Bac 2024 : sujets corrigés de l'épreuve de LLCE Anglais Monde Contemporain 🎓

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Voici des éléments de réponses possibles pour les sujets proposés.

Sujet 1

Partie 1 : Synthèse

Since 1969, Canada has been officially made into a bilingual country, by act of law. This means that all legal and official documents should be available in both French and English in the land of Céline Dion, thus making it a place where two linguistic communities co-exist peacefully.  Although, historically speaking, the first « Canadians » used to be French-speakers, the ties with their home-country, France, was soon broken and English-speakers took the lead of that new nation. Therefore, Francophone speakers have always been a minority among a widely English-speaking land, and Francophone Canadians have always struggled to maintain their own tongue and culture alive. As shown in document A, however, much effort has been made to encourage a form of bilingualism in Canada, first through the law (rendering all administative material bilingual), and then through an active policy of linguistic diversity. According to a pole, an astounding number of 96% of the global population agrees on the fact that all federal services across the country should be available in both languages, thus making it necessary to hire bilingual people, and consequently to promote the use of the two idioms at the scale of the whole nation. Even the Prime Minister should set the example and have mastery of English as well as French, as deemed by most Canadians who care about « the international image » of their nation. In order to do so, a series of new official policies have been voted, and these are the ones listed in document C, which describes the outburst of Canadian ethnography due to favoured immigration. As described in the excerpt, this immigration comes increasingly from French-speaking countries, but not only. 40% of Canada’s population was reportedly « not born in the country ». Amongst these naturalised foreigners, many speak languages other than French or English, and « allophones » actually outnumber Francophones in the country. Yet, French has kept its aura of prestige due to historical reasons. Last but not least, a potential explanation for the promotion and defense of the French language in Canada might be, as explained in document B, a heightened awareness regarding minority groups – of which Francophones are part – including the native Amerindian inhabitants of the land who should be entitled to speak and be addressed to in their own language, as more and more Canadians seem to be in favour of.

Partie 2 : Traduction

Par conséquent, bien que le nombre de francophones canadiens soit en plein essor, leur poids démographique diminue peu à peu comparativement à la progression des locuteurs d'autres langues. Nous avons désormais atteint le point critique, et hautement symbolique, où il y a au Canada plus d'allophones (des personnes dont la langue maternelle n'est ni l'anglais, ni le français) que de francophones natifs. Les détracteurs des politiques officielles en faveur du bilinguisme ne manquent pas de relever ce type de statistiques, eux qui ne cessent de répéter que la francophonie ne devrait pas bénéficier d'un traitement de faveur dans leur pays.


Partie 1 : Synthèse

One of the major issues in today’s world is urban vegetallization, or in other words, how to build cleaner cities where nature can thrive while respecting human needs of food, transport, shelter, leisure, etc. In this regard, Sheffield in Great-Britain has lately been promoted as an epitome of eco-friendly habitat, and has even been labelled ‘Europe’s greenest city’. Why is Sheffield such a symbol? First of all, as described in an excerpt from The Independent, the Northern city has long been known for its industrial activity, and in former days the name ‘Sheffield’ was associated with images of cold spires spitting out smoke. It was nicknamed ‘the Steel City’, and indeed, a picture taken not so long ago, in 2015, shows a dull, gray street with ruined buildings, litter-scattered ground, and hardly any vegetation at all. However, less than four years later, the same scenery appears dramatically transformed: grass and trees are growing along a nice, clean path with people leisurely strolling around. The buildings have been renovated and now look like small houses. The image is striking, and it is meant to be a symbol of UK’s effort to ‘go green’. A recent academic study actually ranked it as the most sustainable city in the country – a title that serves well the political interests of the left-wing ecological party over there. However, not all in the UK seem to agree with this political choice. Some members of the Labour Party (i.e. right wing) have made proposals in favour of Britain’s reindustrialization. Indeed, the golden age of manufacturing is missed by some, who deplore the loss of jobs and national wealth. As a result, plans are being made to (re)build factories in the country, using cleaner energy however. The region of Sheffield is concerned by such a project. These are, therefore, two colliding visions of the world. And as Mr Martin Philipps, a Sheffield-based member of the Green Party, has confessed himself, there is still a lot of work to do for Sheffield to become an ‘ecological’ city, and this idealistic view of his town as a green harbour is but a façade.

Partie 2 : Traduction

C'est une ville que l'écrivain anglais George Orwell a jadis décrite comme « la plus laide de toutes les villes du vieux monde ».

À Sheffield, écrivait-il en 1936, « où que puisse porter le regard, c'est toujours le même paysage que l'on distingue, où surgissent de monstrueuses cheminées vomissant de la fumée ».

Or, aujourd'hui, les choses ont bien changé : la ville britannique vient de recevoir le titre de « cité la plus verte de Grande-Bretagne ».

En effet, des chercheurs de l'Université de Southampton ont établi une liste des vingt-cinq centres urbains les plus écologiques de Grande-Bretagne, et cette ancienne capitale industrielle est arrivée première du classement.


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