When conducting business with individuals from the United States, it can be helpful for a French person to be aware of some cultural differences that may exist. Here are a few key points to consider:

1. Direct Communication: Americans tend to be more direct in their communication style. They value clarity and straightforwardness in business discussions. It is common for them to express their opinions openly, even if they differ from others. French individuals, who may prefer more nuanced or indirect communication, should be prepared for this directness.

2. Punctuality: Time management is highly valued in American business culture. Meetings and appointments generally start and end on time. Being punctual is seen as a sign of respect and professionalism. 

3. Informality: Compared to French business culture, American business interactions tend to be more informal. Colleagues and superiors often use first names, even with individuals they have recently met. It is essential to adapt to this level of informality and address people by their first names unless specifically instructed otherwise.

4. Individualism: American business culture emphasizes individualism and personal achievements. While teamwork is valued, individual contributions and accomplishments are highly recognized and rewarded.

5. Direct Decision-Making: In the U.S., decision-making processes can be more straightforward and fast-paced. Decisions are often made by the person in charge or a designated decision-maker. French individuals should be prepared to adapt to this efficient decision-making style and be ready to provide concise information to facilitate the process.

6. Work-Life Balance: Although work-life balance is gaining more importance in the U.S., there is still a cultural emphasis on working long hours and dedication to one's job. French individuals should be aware of these expectations and be prepared to manage their time effectively while maintaining their personal boundaries.

7. Networking: Building professional networks and making connections is highly valued in the U.S. Business events, conferences, and social gatherings provide opportunities to establish and expand professional relationships. French individuals should be proactive in networking activities and be prepared to engage in small talk and discuss business in social settings.

These are general cultural differences, and it's important to remember that individuals may vary in their attitudes and behaviors. Being open-minded, adaptable, and respectful of cultural differences will help facilitate successful business interactions between French and American professionals.