
Diversité et inclusion


📝 Mini-cours GRATUIT

Diversité et inclusion

Diversity and inclusion allude to the notion of difference, indeed human beings are all different in many ways depending on whether we are talking about gender, age, social background or skin colour for example. However we may also find something in common with others so diversity is the fact that we live together though we are different from each other. As for inclusion it mustn’t be confused with integration because inclusion is the feeling of being part of a group in a search for unity on a large scale whereas integration is rather accepting someone different, their difference being underlined instead of being erased.

All over the world freedom of movement has been enhanced through migratory flows, has promoted tolerant behaviours and acceptance of differences and cultural openness. However the world is not a tower of Babel and communication between human beings has often been a barrier to this inclusion. Language learning is a positive condition for cultural richness, to illustrate this, here is a quotation by Ludwig Wittgenstein : "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." In other words we may say that learning a foreign language allows us to adapt to our environment and change our vision of life. Languages play a great role in social cohesion and inclusion and they allow the creation of intercultural projects highlighting several languages and the culture they represent.

Inclusion also addresses handicapped or elderly people who often fight to get a real status in society; they sometimes suffer from indifference or exclusion. Handicapped people are prone to be discriminated against at school and at work when their abilities do not meet the required expectations

Affirmative actions or « positive discrimination » are aimed at helping minorities to find employment, housing and getting admissions at university. These affirmative actions have been decided in many countries to insert people in schools with appropriate support and in the working world thanks to quotas. The question is whether these actions are efficient or not. They are sometimes blamed for reinforcing the notion of discrimination as they point out those minorities and their difference but they are also criticized because of their lack of meritocracy and this may result in hatred between majority and minority groups. In the USA, at universities, quotas are deemed illegal as they are considered a form of preferential treatment that is discriminating towards other students.


  • to allude : faire allusion à
  • to confuse with : confondre avec
  • a scale : une échelle
  • erased : effacé
  • to enhance: mettre en valeur
  • migratory flows : les flux migratoires
  • behaviour : le comportement
  • openness : l’ouverture
  • a quotation : une citation
  • to highlight : souligner
  • elderly people : les personnes âgées
  • to be prone to : être enclin à
  • abilities : les capacités
  • expectations : les attentes
  • aimed at : destiné à
  • whether or not : si oui ou non
  • to point out : souligner
  • hatred : la haine
  • to be deemed : être considéré

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