Places within the hospital 

A waiting room (la salle d’attente) is where patients and guardians wait to be taken care of.

When patients arrive at the hospital, they have to check in or register at the front desk. (l’accueil ou les admissions)

A ward (un service, une salle) is a part of a facility or a room where medical care is provided.

A staff room (salle de pause du personnel) is where professionals meet and take some time off.

An inpatient (un patient hospitalisé) is a patient who is hospitalized overnight for diagnosis or treatment.

An outpatient (un patient ambulatoire) is a patient who is not hospitalized for diagnosis or treatment.

A clinic (un hôpital de jour) is a part of the hospital where outpatients are diagnosed and treated.

A&E (Accident and Emergency in British English) or the ER (Emergency Room in American English) (les urgences) is where patients with urgent medical needs are directed.

The EACU (Emergency Acute Care Unit) (la salle de déchocage) is where emergency patients in critical condition.

The ICU (Intensive Care Unit) (service de soins intensifs, service de réanimation) is the ward where patients in critical condition are taken care of.

The surgery unit (un service de chirurgie) is where patients undergo surgery. 

The palliative care unit (unité de soins palliatifs) is an interdisciplinary unit for patients with life-limiting illnesses.


Paramedics (des ambulanciers, des secouristes) are the health professionals in an ambulance taking care of patients on the way to the hospital.

An emergency physician (un médecin urgentiste) takes care of patients who have life-threatening conditions and require immediate care.

A surgeon (un chirurgien) is a medical doctor who performs surgical operations.


A hospital stretcher (un brancard) is a movable bed where patients can be wheeled from one place to another laying down.

A wheelchair (une chaise roulante) can be used to move patients who can sit.

A medical monitor (un scope) is a device keeping track of different physiological data such as heart rate, pulse or respiratory frequencies.

An EKG/ECG machine (un ECG) is an electrocardiogram machine monitoring heart function.

A defibrillator (un défibrillateur) can be used to resuscitate a person suffering from atrial fibrillation. (fibrillation auriculaire)

A sterilizer (un stérilisateur) is used to make sure medical equipment is germ-free.

A syringe (une seringue) is used to make injections into patients.

An IV line (intravenous line) (une perfusion intraveineuse) is used to inject blood, medicine or liquids into a patient.

A ventilator (un respirateur) is an artificial breathing device.

A surgical table (une table d’opération) is where surgery is performed.

When leaving the hospital, patients get a discharge or discharge summary. (un courrier de sortie)