The modern age succeeded to the Victorian age and it is commonly agreed that modernist works were published as early as 1880’s until around 1945. The following period is the contemporary (or postmodernist) period which goes up to now and it includes any work of literature published in the period!

We may wonder why such changes occurred and how literature evolved through these years. This last century was indeed a time of profound changes, life was disrupted by industrialisation, then wars (WWI and WWII), injustices and more recently global communication which made the world a smaller place. Writers illustrated this new world in a great variety of ways.

Modernist literature focuses on the individual and its ability to adapt to the changing world. It features characters who sometimes triumph over adversities but more often fail. Moreover life is seen as a challenge and the characters (no longer heroes) must accept the circumstances and persevere to fulfil their dreams.

The contemporary period  literature denounces racism, discrimination, the absurdity and horror of wars wherever they take place. It is based on human diversity, character and emotion. It questions our spirituality, due to the historical events some end up to believe that there is no God and that life is meaningless. It also encourages the quest for identity and it becomes more self-centered. Its tone is often ironic and full of cynicism as it reflects a society's political, social and personal opinions thanks to realistic characters.

Through their works, writers show us societal strengths and weaknesses so that we don’t forget the lessons we should learn and questions we should ask ourselves. They have always been inspired by real-life themes to deliver us their messages and these events in history shaped the writing of each period. This is why literature evolves along the centuries.

Disrupted : bouleversé
To feature : présenter
Strength : la force