Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774) was an Irish man of letters, he was also known for his poems and dramas. He was first recognized with the release of The Citizen Of The World (a collection of essays) in 1762. After travelling abroad he settled in London where he wrote The Vicar Of Wakefield, published in 1766. He was highly considered by his contemporary writers and friends (like Samuel Jonhson) who placed a cenotaph in his honour at the Poet’s Corner at Westminster Abbey, London. He died at 46.

The Vicar Of Wakefield is a complex novel of characters and sentiment of the 18th century; it offers a complicated plot that allows the reader to follow the Primrose family’s misfortune. The novel implies the belief in the innate goodness of human beings, however we can also see it as a satire because the vicar’s values do not stick with the real world and he is deceived.

Goldsmith chose the first-person narration for the vicar’s character; the novel appeared as a fictional memoir. His novel remained very successful among Victorians in the late 19th century and was quoted by several well-known authors such as George Eliot, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley and Charles Dickens. Therefore we can say that Oliver Goldsmith had an influence on his fellow artists.

The novel opens with the vicar and his family living a genteel life in a country parish. They are quite well-off thanks to a vicar’s inheritance. Dr. Charles Primrose, also known as the vicar of Wakefield, looks after his wife, his four sons and two daughters. George, the eldest son, is about to marry a lovely neighbourhood girl, Miss Arabella Wilmot but the girl’s father cancels the engagement after the vicar suddenly loses his fortune. As a consequence the Primrose family have to move to a more humble place where their landlord is Squire Thornhill. After their encounter with this depraved young man their trouble will really start. The climax or turning point in the story will be when Olivia flees with Squire Thornhill. Fortunately, all’s well that ends well and good will prevail over evil.

The release : la sortie
Abroad : à l’étranger
A plot : une intrigue
The belief : la croyance
Innate : inné
Deceived : trompé, abusé
To remain : rester
Genteel : distingué, raffiné
A parish : une paroisse
Well-off : riche
A landlord : un propriétaire
An encounter : une rencontre
To prevail : l’emporter