Children have baby teeth from about one year old and start losing them around 6 years old. (dents de lait)

During a dental checkup, the dentist uses a mouth mirror to see in hard-to-see places. (le miroir)

A suction device (aspirateur de mucosité) can be used to clear the mouth.

A scaler (un détartreur) can be used to remove plaque.

It is recommended to brush your teeth to avoid tooth decay. (les caries)

To avoid dental plaque buildup, it is recommended to floss between the teeth regularly. (utiliser du fil dentaire)

Insufficient dental hygiene leads to caries, cavities and in extreme cases abscesses. (un abscès)

For many procedures, a dentist needs an assistant. (un(e) assistant(e))

The patient sits in a dentist’s chair powered by a dental engine. (un fauteuil de dentiste)

The patient wears a bib. (un bavoir de protection)

The correction of malpositioned teeth and jaws often involves the use of braces. (un appareil dentaire)

To prevent tooth decay, dental sealant can be applied. (produit de scellement des puits et sillons)

If the tooth decay is too severe, teeth may need to be extracted or pulled. (arrachées)

If the teeth are beyond treatment and are removed, the patient may need dental prosthetics (prothèses dentaires) such as dentures or false teeth. (un dentier)

To treat caries, the dentists can use a dental drill. (une fraise dentaire)

The dental drill can be used to polish the enamel of the teeth. (l’émail)

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. (les gencives)