
Private practice (la médecine libérale) is when a doctor is self-employed. 

A practice (un cabinet) is where a doctor works. It can be called a GP surgery in the UK for a general practitioner. 

A group practice (un cabinet d’association) gathers several practitioners who share facilities and staff. 


Doctors who do not their own practice and who substitute for other doctors are called are locum doctors or locum tenens physicians. (des médecins remplaçants)

Most doctors practicing privately hire a medical secretary (un ou une secrétaire medical(e)) who oversees appointments and schedule, type letters and handle paperwork.

An accountant (un comptable) keeps the books and takes care of the financial and fiscal aspects of the practice.

In the USA, a medical practice is often viewed more as a business than a public service.

In the UK, most doctors who own their practices are like subcontractors for the NHS and are paid directly by the state. 


A gynecologist (US) or gynaecologist (UK) (un(e) gynécologue) is a doctor who takes care of women’s reproductive health. An obstetrician (un(e) obstétricien(ne)) is a doctor who takes care of women during pregnancy and after the delivery of the baby. An obstetrician gynecologist (ob-gyn) can do both. (un(e) gynécologue obstétricien(ne))

A pediatrician (US) or paediatrician (UK) (un(e) pédiatre) is a doctor specializing in the health care of babies, infants and children.

An ophthalmologist (un(e) ophtalmologue) specializes in eye diseases and ailments.

A dermatologist (un(e) dermatologue) treats patients with skin diseases or disorders.

A cardiologist (un(e) cardiologue) treats patients with heart disease.

A psychiatrist (un(e) psychiatre) is a medical doctor who can diagnose mental illness and prescribe medication.

A urologist (un(e) urologue) is a specialist of the urinary tract and the reproductive tract in men.

An otolaryngologist (un(e) ORL) specializes in the diseases of the throat, nose and ear.