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  • Innovations scientifiques et responsabilité

Innovations scientifiques et responsabilité


📝 Mini-cours GRATUIT

Innovations scientifiques et responsabilité

Since prehistoric times, men have tried to improve their daily life by using their intelligence to create scientific innovations : they invented fire, tools and machinery to help them produce goods or food. Scientists have studied the human body and their environment to complete their knowledge. They imagined solutions to prevent serious diseases thanks to vaccines for example or animal-testing technologies to test their discoveries. They have obeyed strict rules to protect morality however we may wonder if their innovations have always responded to ethical guidelines.

Even though we can say that the world has greatly benefited from these technologies, it seems that our current world has also suffered a lot from this scientific progress so the responsability of this factual situation may be questioned. A wind of protest was born among teenagers in the late 2010’s and it was lead by Greta Thunberg, a Swedish activist who started her action in 2018 at age 15. Her speeches at the UN Climate Change COPs spurred an uprising among teenagers all over the world. Her words were clear and alarming ; she dared to challenge world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation

Climate change has already had numerous consequences on the environment, it damages biodiversity and ecosystems, it provokes natural disasters like heatwaves or floods that lead to migratory movements. In this predicament we may ask who is responsible for all this and what we can do to fix it. The stakes for scientists have changed considerably. It has become urgent to transition to total renewable energy so as to keep fossil fuels in the ground allowing much less greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Almost everyone admits that the protection of our planet is a must nowadays.

The advent of new technologies gave birth to artificial intelligence which is « the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment » according to the definition given by Obviously artificial intelligence can develop faster discoveries in medicines for example medical imaging to diagnose and treat diseases.


  • tools : des outils
  • knowledge : la connaissance
  • to prevent : empêcher
  • a disease : une maladie
  • animal-testing : experimentation animale
  • rules : des lois
  • ethical guidelines : des règles éthiques
  • current : actuel
  • a factual situation : un état de fait
  • among : parmi
  • an activist : un militant
  • to spur : inciter, pousser
  • an uprising : une révolte
  • to dare : oser
  • to challenge : défier
  • mitigation : la reduction
  • natural disasters : les catastrophes naturelles
  • a heatwave : une canicule
  • a flood : une innondation
  • a predicament : une situation difficile
  • the stakes : les enjeux
  • renewable: renouvelable
  • fossil fuels : les energies fossiles
  • greenhouse gas emissions : les gaz à effet de serre
  • a must : quelque chose d’essentiel
  • advent: l’arrivée
  • a task: une tache
  • discernment : perception
  • medical imaging : imagerie médicale

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