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Sauver la planète, penser les futurs possibles


📝 Mini-cours GRATUIT

Sauver la planète, penser les futurs possibles

The Earth is in danger scientists say but we may wonder what is going wrong and what actions have been taken so far to save it. Indeed the future of our planet is challenged because human pollution and overpopulation are driving up the earth’s temperature therefore this worrying situation is shared all over the planet. People are becoming more and more aware whether they are adults or teenagers and they often demonstrate to show that they are anxious about the situation. The environment is polluted in different ways, for example air pollution because of carbon dyoxyde that produces greenhouses gases hence global warming.

The main cause of this climate change is called the greenhouse effect that increases the planet’s temperature at an alarming rate. It has various effects such as floods, heatwaves, more frequent periods of droughts, major storms but also air pollution causing health problems and difficulties to produce food. Through their actions on environment human beings have challenged many ecosystems that endangered many animal species. However many people support the animal cause together with the defence of the environment, they speak out against hunting or bullfighting, they encourage people to go vegan or at least to eat less meat.

As for governments they meet during a conference of the parties (COP) once a year, the last one (COP26) was held in Glasgow. A convention, adopted in 1992, recognises the existence of climate change and aims to stabilise the rate of greenhouse gas emissions by proposing solutions through international cooperation. Civil societies around the world expect a strong commitment from all states involved in the COP to fight global warming.

The different parties of the COP try to tackle this issue as they are under pressure from the population, indeed the younger generations regularly protest against the inaction of governments, they are the ones who will be affected most by climate change so they want to save their future. Innovative environmental policies need to be adopted which are often linked to consumming less and therefore to rethink economy. Building green architecture in cities to reconnect with nature is an interesting clue and literature has a role to play as well, some novelists tend to imagine possible futures with more or less optimism and give voice to ecological anxiety.


  • the Earth: la Terre
  • overpopulation: la surpopulation
  • to drive up: faire augmenter
  • aware: conscient
  • whether … or …: qu’ils soient … ou…
  • to demonstrate: manifester
  • greenhouse gases: les gaz à effet de serre
  • hence: d’où
  • at an alarming rate: à une vitesse alarmante
  • flood: innondation
  • heatwave: canicule
  • drought: sécheresse
  • major storms: des grosses tempêtes
  • health: la santé
  • to endanger: mettre en danger
  • to speak out: dénoncer
  • hunting: la chasse
  • bullfighting: une corrida
  • at least: au moins
  • to aim to: avoir pour objectif
  • commitment: un engagement
  • to involve: impliquer
  • to tackle an issue: aborder un problème
  • environmental policies: des politiques environnementales
  • to be linked to: être lié à
  • green architecture: architecture végétalisée
  • a clue: une piste

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Past simple present perfect


Prononciation V-ED, temps de conjugaison avec for, since, ago, during


Acquérir du vocabulaire – La notion de temps et quelques données chiffrées


Acquérir du vocabulaire – Décrire un document iconographique

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