
Axe d’étude 3 : L’art du débat


📝 Mini-cours GRATUIT

The art of debate

A debate is a formal discussion in which opposing arguments are put forward. Debating involves mastering rhetorical skills, finding the right arguments and counter-arguments as well as using logic to rebuff an opponent. Of course, charismatic political leaders have honed these skills to galvanise people.

In Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (1813), the conversations between two of the main characters Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett often turn into a battle of wits and convey Jane Austen's wry humor and sense of irony.

Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963) has been described as a "brilliant example of the art of persuasion". In this letter addressed to his "Dear Fellow Clergymen", ML King rebuts each argument put forth by the clergymen who had condemned his actions. Calling them "men of good will" he goes on to demonstrate quite logically why they are wrong.

In Animal Farm (1945), George Orwell shows that mastering rhetoric can be a powerful tool of manipulation. From short but effective slogans such as "four legs good, two legs bad" to the absurd but equally powerful "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others", Orwell demonstrates the power of words. A turning point in the story is when Napoleon announces that "there would be no more debates". As readers, we are then reminded that debate and free speech are an integral part of democratic life.

The Queen's speech on April 5, 2020 during the Coronavirus outbreak underlined the impact the monarch still has (it was watched by 24 million people). It is only the 5th time in her 68 year reign that the Queen has given such a speech. It was meant to reassure and inspire. Her simple conclusion "We will meet again", a reference to a song which became popular during World War II, brought tears to the eyes of many.

In the Great Debaters a film directed and starring Denzel Washington, a professor at a small African American college trains a group of students who go on to beat Harvard at the national debate championships. According to a New York Times review, the film shows "As an enduring American myth, the triumph of the sanctified underdog…"


"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people." M.L.King. 

Compare this with the proverb "Speech is silver. Silence is golden."

"Debate is a blood sport." Tolson (one of the characters in The Great Debaters)

"Words—so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them." Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)

"In the world of Animal Farm, most speechifying and public palaver is bullshit and instigated lying." Margaret Atwood


  • to put forward: avancer (un argument, une idée)
  • to master : maîtriser

  • a skill: une compétence

  • to rebuff: repousser, rembarrer

  • to hone: affuter, aiguiser

  • a battle of wits: une bataille des esprits

  • wry: ironique

  • to rebut: réfuter

  • to put forth: avancer (un argument, une idée)

  • good will: bonne volonté

  • a tool: un outil

  • tears: des larmes

  • an underdog: un opprimé

  • appalling: épouvantable

  • a blood sport: un sport sanglant

  • evil: le mal

  • to speechify: discourir

  • palaver: palabres

  • it's bullshit: c'est n'importe quoi

📄 Annale PREMIUM


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